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  • Python
  • Amazon S3
  • Application Development
  • Data Analysis
  • Django
  • Django Framework
  • Flask
  • Linux
  • PostgreSQL
  • Python Numpy
  • Python SciPy
  • Rest
  • Simulation Modeling
  • SQLAlchemy

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  • Web application development with python

    $15/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have been using python for 5 years and python web frameworks like django, flask, tornado etc with different database backends like postgresql, mysql, mongdb, redis, rabbitmq, celery etc

    Amazon S3Application DevelopmentDjangoDjango FrameworkFlask
  • Data analysis, Simulation & Visualize

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have been working with data anlysis, preparation, model simulation and visualization for business intelligence and scientific programming.

    Data AnalysisPythonPython NumpyPython SciPySimulation Modeling


Python Web, QA & Big Data Engineer | Deep Machine Learning Researcher

I am a highly responsible Software Architect, Cloud Operations and Big Data Engineer having more then 4 years experience in designing and developing Enterprise grade complex and large systems which are capable of processing huge streams of data and high traffic flow, using Python's django/flask/tornado web frameworks along with best available open source tools and architectures.

I'm core developer of celeryproject [] and have been involved in many open source projects contributions which could be seen on my github profile : auvipy

For deployment I prefer, Linux-PostgreSQL-nginx-gunicorn/uwsgi-celery/rabbitmq-HAProxy/fabric/ansible/salt etc.
Beside ORDBMS I used mongodb, redis, cassandra and neo4j as nosql solutions.

For software testing and QA i like to follow agile scrum/kanban and Behavior Driven Testing to achieve that. py.test, pytest-bdd, pytest-splinter, pytest-django, jasmine/mocha etc are my favorite BDD testing tools and I hate boilerplate xUnit type code.

Reactive javascript and Angular 2.0/jquery are my favorite client side javascript tools and prefer coffeescript/livescript/typescript for writing better code. Used D3.js/Leafletjs etc too for data/map visualization.

I have also used scientific python tools like, scipy-numpy-matplotlib-pandas-simpy-scikit-learn-statsmodel-vispy-networkx-apache-spark etc for scientific/statistical/numerical/big-data analytics in academic research and professional projects.

I'm a big fan of functional programming and have strong grasp on OOP too.

You should hire me because I'm a trustworthy person and usually spend sufficient time in brainstorming and discussing with clients to figure out the best possible solutions for their projects before actually writing codes or deploying to production.

My working philosophy is very consistent and always follow the best conventions and configurations available for the specific platform.

Work Terms

My time zone is GMT+6 and available almost 16 hours a day.

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