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  • Article Writing
  • Blog Writing
  • Content Writing
  • Cover Art
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Technical Writing
  • Web Content Writing
  • Writing


  • Content Writer,Technical writer,Blogger

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    My way of writing is clear and concise, but also creative. My aim is to be interesting and informative, to produce something engaging, that catches the eye, giving the reader a reason to read on, to be...

    Article WritingBlog WritingContent WritingCover ArtMicrosoft Excel


Believe on Quality of Content & My customer satisfaction.

My way of writing is clear and concise, but also creative. My aim is to be interesting and informative, to produce something engaging, that catches the eye, giving the reader a reason to read on, to be persuaded, or to buy. In addition to writing, I am a competent and experienced writer, with a good working knowledge of Excel spreadsheets.
My background in science that helps me to write authoritatively on a wide range of subject with a clear concept.

I graduated in 2013 with Engineering in Electronics & Technology. Whilst working full-time as a lead software engineer for 3 years, I wrote copy for a wide range of articles, blogs and literature and, as well as in some documentaries.

I have experience with search engine optimization writing. My experience covers online (web content ), blogs, articles, press releases, and product reviews and other pieces of stuff.

Thank you so much, this is where we stand, hope to keep our relation long and warm.
Easily available on skype & Email.

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