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  • .NET
  • Algorithms
  • Application Design
  • ASP
  • C
  • C#
  • C++
  • Client Side Scripting
  • CSS
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Structures
  • Design
  • Excel
  • Forecasting

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  • Programming

    $15/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Skillset Summary 1. 8+ yrs experience in programming with C# , C++, Python and Javascript 2. Delivered multiple successful windows and web applications 3. Well versed with multi threaded and performance...

    .NETAlgorithmsApplication DesignASPASP.NET
  • Web Programming

    $15/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Skillset Summary 1. 8+ yrs experience in programming with C# , C++, Python and Javascript 2. Delivered multiple successful windows and web applications 3. Well versed with multi threaded and performance...

    .NETAlgorithmsApplication DesignASPASP.NET
  • Testing & QA

    $15/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Skillset Summary 1. 8+ yrs experience in programming with C# , C++, Python and Javascript 2. Delivered multiple successful windows and web applications 3. Well versed with multi threaded and performance...

    .NETAlgorithmsApplication DesignASPASP.NET
  • Embedded Development

    $15/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Skillset Summary 1. 8+ yrs experience in programming with C# , C++, Python and Javascript 2. Delivered multiple successful windows and web applications 3. Well versed with multi threaded and performance...

    .NETAlgorithmsApplication DesignASPASP.NET
  • Other - Technology Projects

    $15/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Skillset Summary 1. 8+ yrs experience in programming with C# , C++, Python and Javascript 2. Delivered multiple successful windows and web applications 3. Well versed with multi threaded and performance...

    .NETAlgorithmsApplication DesignASPASP.NET


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