Business Strategist, Consultant & Executive Business Coach - Growth Hacking - Startup Expert - Marketing Strategy - Launch Plan -
Founder of an exclusive Management Consulting & Performance Business Coaching Boutique Agency. Avy works with CEO's, founders, Management and professionals to realize their personal & professional (corporate) vision, goals & objectives via strategic counseling and business coaching, training & mentoring. The firm also provides temporary and full-time COO services and management fill in roles.
The future for Avy is to work with companies with products and/or services that are unique, add value or solve real-life problems for its target audience in a real and measurable way so a client can realize their value proposition. Moreover, with whom he works with is especially important - the team, culture & values of the people have to be a fit.
As a growth expert, working in numerous industries, countries, and cultures, Avy's style is a mindful & learning process, focusing on the present & planning for future growth opportunities as well as maximizing resources, workflow, and efficiencies.
His profound experience in Corporate restructuring, Business Strategy, Marketing, Leadership, Startups, Tech - enables him to quickly & effectively turn companies around and on a course for profitable growth. Avy will coach, mentor & guide clients on execution, provide effective tools & tactics to enable them to better focus & prioritize so they can anticipate & lead market transitions to gain a competitive edge.
For the companies and individuals he selects to work with, it is all about the journey; making it a meaningful and productive one with passion and integrity as we reach personal, professional and corporate goals and objectives. I invite anyone to feel free to contact me to discuss any opportunities as well as your consulting and coaching needs - welcome.
for more info, see LinkedIn Profile:
Work Terms
I work all hours of the day though I am living in an Eastern Standard Time zone (New York).
I have clients all over the globe and am therefore always available via email, text, phone, SKYPE, LinkedIn and more.
Payment is via my PayPal account. Sessions are paid for in advance, in US currency.
My work is guaranteed.
Repeat clients and long-term contracts/terms receive preferred pricing discounts.
All gig offerings require the client to have some basic information available in advance of starting a gig to provide optimum background information about the client, the company, the situation and the objectives expected from my working with you.
*You must always send me your resume as well as connect with me via LinkedIn before we start any communications or the gig. I need to have a clear understanding of your background, experience, and expertise.
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