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  • Python
  • Linux
  • Shell Script
  • Shell Scripting
  • AWK
  • AWS IoT
  • C
  • C Programming
  • Sed
  • Testing
  • API Development
  • Arduino
  • AWS
  • AWS CloudFormation
  • C++

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  • Expert in C, Cpp, Python, Shell Script

    $25/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Having 7 years of strong experience in Application Development with C, Shell Script, and Linux. * Iot, Raspberry Pi, Zigbee, Adruino * Data Storage, NAS, SAN * Programming in C, C++, Linux, Shell Scripting...

    AWKCC ProgrammingC++GitHub
  • Expert in C, Shell Scripting, Pyhon

    $25/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Expert in Design and Development in Linux, Unix, with C, Cpp, Shell Script, OSS, Firmware, BSP, Device Driver, Linux System Calls,Board Bring up, Wireless network, Router Development, Python, Perl, django,Algorithm,...

    CC ProgrammingHome Automation DesignLinuxMultithreading
  • Expert in Shell Scripting, awk, sed

    $20/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have been developing "shell scripting" programs for more than 10+ years. I can program error free scripting in first development iteration itself. Guaranteed !

    AWKSedShell Scripting
  • Expert in AWS IoT Python ESP Raspberry P

    $30/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I can make IoT device become LIVE, Be it any hardware, on linux. Have in-depth experience in ESP32, Raspberry Pi, Arduino.

    API DevelopmentArduinoAWSAWS CloudFormationAWS IoT


Expert in AWS IoT Python ESP32 RPi Linux Shell, AWS Certified

12+ yrs of experience in IoT, AWS, Python
Expertise in IoT, AWS, Python, Raspberry Pi, ESP, IoT Device Management, IoT User Management, IoT device OTA

AWS Certified.

Team of 5 Expert in Design and Development in IoT, AWS, Linux, Unix, with
Python, C, Cpp, Shell Script,
OSS, Firmware, BSP, Device Driver, Linux System Calls,
Board Bring up, Wireless network, Router Development,
Python, Perl, django,
Algorithm, Matlab Simulation,
openWRT linux, Router tuning,
Patching in OpenStack in Python,
IoT (Internet of Things) research, development and testing with C, Cpp, in Zigbee, Alljoyn,
Home Automation using Raspberry-pi, Arduino , and Sensors.
Have taught online courses in C and Shell Script.
Have helped algorithm research to individuals/Phd candidates in IoT .
Published IEEE paper in parallel clustering algorithm.

Team with minimum 8 years of industry experience.
Team have experience working with QualComm, Cavium, Aricent, NEC, Juniper, LSI for Development and Testing.

skypeId: pal.rajesh
Phone : +91 9910005326

Work Terms

* All are full-time freelancers.
* Charge $25 per hour, depends upon nature of work. But always value for money.
* Before accepting a job, we make sure that PoC is ready, with estimated frame discussed.