Excellence in Web design and development
Hi, I am an independent freelancer and expert in Web design and Development. I offer Customized Web Based Application development, E-Commerce Software Solutions, Web Service Development (Application Integration) and Integration, API Integration, Payment Gateway Integration, Web Design and Development services.
My domain expertise includes Client server applications, Finance solutions, Enterprise Related package (ERP), Portal development etc..
I am a highly skilled and experienced software professionals. I have an amazing range of custom programming expertise in top development technologies like PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3 and other web tools.
Work Terms
I request project payment to be paid in installments via Guru Safepay system for mutually agreed milestones, which follows a review of the project by the client. I try to keep project time to minimum, but project business concept, work scope and its complexity will determine the final turnaround time.
Work terms are mutually discussed and accepted between me and the Client. The work agreement can be based on - Fixed cost project, Hire dedicated resources, hourly based projects. The agreement also includes the final proposal having clear deliveries based milestones, assumptions, support period along with standard business terms.