Finest quality work products at an affordable price
I am a seasoned writer, editor, proofreader, and fact-checker with a background as an attorney. I am also a native English speaker with excellent communication skills.
During my 25+ years of legal practice as an in-house attorney, I consistently provided top-notch work of the finest quality for various global organizations, including Chevron.
I wrote, edited, proofread, and fact-checked various corporate documents. Since September 2021, when I became a full-time freelancer, I have written, edited, and proofread works of fiction, essays, newsletters, articles, etc.
My proven track record of excellence in all I do sets me apart from others; you can check out my portfolio to verify this.
I am very detailed, meticulous and thorough. I have the energy and time to devote to your work, so BRING IT ON!
Work Terms
My time is flexible, and I can work 8 to 10 hours daily. Although I am based in Atlanta, GA (EST), I prefer to work during office hours on PST. I am open to reducing my price for large-volume orders.