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  • Manuscripts
  • Ithenticate
  • Mentoring
  • Paraphrasing
  • Research
  • Research Article
  • Review Writing


  • Research Mentor

    $30/hr Starting at $25

    I can guide early career researchers to submit manuscripts for Scopus-indexed journals, which are specialized in Arts and Humanities, teach the nuts and bolts of peer-reviewing and customize inductive...

    ManuscriptsMentoringResearchReview Writing
  • Paraphrasing

    $5/hr Starting at $25

    Effective paraphrasing with a post-task iThenticate report. The text overlapping between the checked documents and the previously published articles is reduced without changing the intended meaning. The...

    IthenticateManuscriptsParaphrasingResearch Article


As a Scopus-indexed author and a Publons- verified reviewer, I will help your work get the international recognition it deserves.

My latest Scopus-indexed publications include
• Abdelzaher, E., Essam, B. A., (2019). Weaponizing words Rhetorical tactics of radicalization in Western and Arabic countries. Journal of Language and Politics. Article in press (DOI: 10.1515/mc-2018-0011).

• Essam, B. A. (2017) Compiling a Lexicon of Pornography Using Web, WordNet and FrameNet to Develop an Individual Pornographic Index. Sexuality & Culture, 1-15. DOI:10.1007/s12119-016-9403-9)

• Essam, B. A. (2016). Nizarre Qabbani’s Original Versus Translated Pornographic Ideology: A Corpus-Based Study. Sexuality & Culture, 20(4), 965-986.

Book reviews:
Essam, B. A., & Burnazi, A. (2019). Alison Gibbons: Multimodality, Cognition, and Experimental Literature. Multimodal Communication.
Among others.
Scopus' Author ID: 57189991835
Publons’ Reviewer ID: 1208222

BA Essam
BA Essam
Debrecen, Budapest, Hungary ID Verified