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  • Accounting
  • Benefits
  • Finance
  • Bookkeeping
  • Coaching
  • Compensation Management
  • Employee Handbooks
  • Financial Analysis
  • Human Resources & Payroll
  • International
  • Management
  • Payroll
  • Business Management Solutions
  • Benefits Design
  • Benefits Management

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  • Business Development

    $60/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    * 20+ years of experience in HR generalist functions, benefits, accounting and finance * Masters degree in Human Resources Manaement (MSHRM) from Boston University * Certified Employee Benefit Specialist...

    AccountingBenefitsBenefits DesignBenefits ManagementBookkeeping
  • Controller & Administration

    $60/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    * 20+ years of experience in HR generalist functions, benefits, accounting and finance * Masters degree in Human Resources Manaement (MSHRM) from Boston University * Certified Employee Benefit Specialist...

    AccountingBenefitsBenefits DesignBenefits ManagementBookkeeping
  • HR Management

    $60/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    * 20+ years of experience in HR generalist functions, benefits, accounting and finance * Masters degree in Human Resources Manaement (MSHRM) from Boston University * Certified Employee Benefit Specialist...

    AccountingBenefitsBenefits DesignBenefits ManagementBookkeeping
  • Project Management

    $60/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    * 20+ years of experience in HR generalist functions, benefits, accounting and finance * Masters degree in Human Resources Manaement (MSHRM) from Boston University * Certified Employee Benefit Specialist...

    AccountingBenefitsBenefits DesignBenefits ManagementBookkeeping


created to drive business results

Your time is valuable. You can't do it all. The legal and compliance changes and requirements alone steal time from you. You want to focus on making money, not pouring valuable billable time into administration and management. Wouldn't having a business partner who wants to see you thrive and grow that bottom line would be nice?

Back Office Ninjas is a full-service, professional team of human resources and business management experts who can lighten your management, compliance, and administrative load. You started your business because of a passion to make something; change the world (or fill in the blank). Let us help you get back to the "why" of doing what you do and shed the burden of administrative activities that come along with running a successful operation.

We've been around for a while (at least 20 years). We have a great team of advisers (to ensure a good fit). We love what we do (I know, it sounds crazy). And most of all, we want to partner with you in your success.

By selecting Back Office Ninjas as your one-stop business relief system, you can expect professional, competent, and skilled support for all your business management needs.

You can go back to being the front office, the face of your business. We take care of your back office. And we do it with one thing in mind - bottom-line results that equal success.

Founded: 2010

Work Terms

8 am to 5 pm Monday through Thursday, 9 am to 12 noon Friday, PST
24-hour access for emergencies
30-day payment terms

Attachments (Click to Preview)