MERN Stack Web developer who loves to innovate and solve problems.
I started out with C++ as a college student from 2016-18. I have struggled and put hard work to learn web development since 2017.
I have taken multiple udemy courses, read web development books and watched youtube tutorials to reach the level of understanding in building web applications.
I also run a youtube channel called MERN stack where I give tips to other fellow developers.
The skills which I possess are:
1. HTML5
I understand and use HTML5 as the standard templating language for my everyday web tasks.
2. CSS 3
I have a pretty decent knowledge of all the different types of elements like block, inline, flex, grids, etc. CSS 3 has so many features that offers features more than necessary. Still I use flex and other properties of borders, box shadows, etc, regularly.
3. JavaScript
I love Javascript. This is my favorite programming language. The reason I love JavaScript so much over other languages is because of its syntax and efficiency and also because of its beautiful ability to interact with HTML and CSS so beautifully.
I use ES6 JavaScript which comes with the lastest features and makes my code so much productive to write. Almost 10 times more productive with arrow functions, destructuring syntax etc.
1. Bootstrap
This is the most loved CSS framework by most of the developers. I use bootstrap most of the time for my projects. The way I achieve customization with bootstrap is by adding extra styles on top of the bootstrap library. I use bootstrap mainly to remove the browser default styling which is not impressive from the design point of view.
It also has other cool features of grid system and utitlity class which I love it as a quick css fix.
2. React, Redux and its ecosystem
3. NodeJS
4. MongoDB
5. Mongoose
6. Others and miscellaneous tech.
I am still a student and forever will continue to learn to improve my craft.
Now I am looking to monetize my skills and help out others as a full stack web developer.