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  • Article Writing
  • Blog Writing
  • Chemistry Tutoring
  • Content Writing
  • Science Teacher
  • Teaching
  • Writing


  • Online Teaching Content Writing

    $5/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am M Phil Degree holder in Chemistry and working as teacher from last 20 years in formal and non-formal style. Education is my passion, and I am running a private school.  you can send me message first...

    Article WritingBlog WritingChemistry TutoringContent WritingScience Teacher


Education is the only way to progress.

I am M Phil degree holder in Chemistry. Education is my passion and I have adopted this field as my profession. I am running a private school based on modern educational system.

I have taught in different institution and different level of students. Education with guidance and motivation is my style of teaching.

I have also great interest in content writing and blogging. I used to write on Facebook and now decided to work as freelancer.

My aim is to serve the society with positive and progressive services. I am self-committed and hardworking person as I know these are the keys to success.

Work Terms

Subject to demand of the project. Available 24 hours a day to reply back to respected clients.