Banner Image


  • Photo Edit
  • Photo Retouching
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Software
  • Beauty Retouching
  • Business Card
  • Business Card Design
  • C++
  • Card Art
  • Color Balancing
  • Creative Design
  • Design
  • Edit Photo Background
  • Editing
  • Face Swapping

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  • Designer

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Би бизнесийн болон хувь хүмүүст өөрсдийгөө үр дүнтэй сурталчлахад тусалдаг дизайны ертөнцөд 4 жил гаруй туршлагатай график дизайнер юм. Би Hi Korea, Pibu Care, Хүүхдийг дэмжих сан, Монголын сайн дурын...

    Adobe PhotoshopAdobe SoftwareBeauty RetouchingBusiness CardBusiness Card Design


Beyond Imagination

I am a graphic designer with over 4 years of experience in the design world helping businesses and individuals promote themselves effectively. I have done freelance work for nonprofit and profit companies such as Hi Korea, Pibu Care, Children's Support Foundation, and Mongolian Volunteers (World Vision Group). I have been studying at a National university of Mongolia for 3 years.

My skills include all aspects of design including letterheads, newsletters, invitations, large-scale graphics, billboards, website banners, and website maintenance. My strengths are logo design, event or individual portrait photography and editing. I am proficient in Adobe Creative Suite (including Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop) and Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook). My strengths are InDesign, Photoshop, Filmore Pro and Illustrator. Other skills: video edit, understand HTML, understand C++, think algorithms, create new designs and work with quality at low prices

I am creative, resourceful and detail oriented. I look forward to helping you with your chart

Work Terms

long hours, low pay, high quality

Attachments (Click to Preview)