Beetro Solutions offers you a strong software development experience, project management knowledge, intercultural competence, seamless communication and a shared responsibility.
Beetro Solutions is Software Development Company Established in April 2018 is providing IT
services to various sectors like health, education, etc. The company has a team of 20+ technical
memeber and 5 operations member. The company has given effective solutions to them and having
56+ happy clients around the globe.For detailed profile you can also visit us at
Beetro Solutions is a technology company, with a clear focus on client needs. Understanding and
finding creative solutions for client pain points is our primary goal. Beetro Solutions is a leading
software development company, offering custom software development, software products, offshore
software development, professional outsourcing and software consultancy. Serving SMEs (small and
medium-sized enterprises) covering educational, health, construction and manufacturing sectors. Using
latest programming technologies, languages and techniques Beetro Solutions is capable of developing
dynamic websites, portals and e-commerce solutions that meets your needs and exceeds your
expectations. Our Success is based on a simple formula: when our customer succeeds, so we do.
Having a wide variety of experience in handling Projects on Java,.NET,PHP,Worpress,ASP,ASP.NET ,VB.NET Software ,WB Software.
Enterprise Application Software :- ERP ,CRM,SCM,CMS,DMS,MLM.
Industry:-Insurance,Healthcare,Retail,Hotel,Shipping,Logistic,E-learning,Property Search.
Services:- Software Testing, Software Maintenance, Software Enhancement, Web Development ,E-commerce Development.
OPD:- Product Development, Product Testing, Product Maintenance, Product Enhancement.
Founded: 2018
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