I provide reliable, trustworthy, professional, timely, and friendly service...consistently. Over 20 years experience just a click away...
I began English/Spanish translations at the tender age fifteen. By then, I had been living for five of the twenty one years that I eventually lived in Madrid, Spain. During those years I have translated everything from doctor's notes to corporate articles of incorporation, newspaper and magazine articles, resumes, short stories, film/TV scripts, song lyrics, and even love letters. I have also delivered interpreter services including:
-Spanish speaking soccer agents looking to market players from South America to the UK Premiere League.
-Corporations looking to expand their market share to Spanish speaking markets
-Interpreter firm based in Houston, TX
My training started as a professional radio DJ, then as an actor, as well as, a national TV host in Spain. I have produced radio shows, both live and canned, music productions, multimedia productions, and audio-post for film. My main voice-over training comes from hours upon hours in the studio doing voice-over work for my various radio, TV, and film projects, both as talent and talent/producer. Although, that said, I have received formal academic training from the following:
-Drama studies with the late and great Lurene Tuttle (USA) and Zulema Katz (Spain)
Work Terms
I prefer to speak directly with the client. Let's talk and arrange all the details. Thanks.