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  • Link Building
  • Keyword Research
  • Research
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Seo Off Page


  • Link Building SEO

    $5/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    - Optimizing copy and landing pages for search engine optimization  - Performing ongoing keyword research, including discovery and expansion of keyword opportunities  - Researching and implementing content...

    Keyword ResearchLink BuildingResearchSearch Engine MarketingSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)


I am an SEO Specialist based in the Philippines, and I'm eager to bring my skills and expertise to your team.

With more than 4 years of experience in online marketing and communication, I’ve developed an effective SEO strategy and optimized a website’s search engine rankings.

By using advanced search techniques, I’ve been able to boost and manage multiple accounts of bloggers and other online personalities.

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