$15/hr · Starting at $40
12 years Professtional experiance in IT Industries. Configuration & Managing AD and domain /Group policy/ DNS server / FTP server / DHCP Server /WSUS / WDS Backup Operations Manage mail Server, Office365...
Steering overall Datacenter and IT operations along with Azure Server, O365 and AD and AAD Ensuring audits and compliance along with assets delivery/assets management Configuring & managing AD and domain /Group Policy/ DNS server / FTP server / ADFS & SSO /WSUS Managing VMware / Nutanix / Xen Server along with V-Center, Prism Central and Prism Elements Performing backup and restoration operations; facilitating vendor management & incident management activities Operating and maintaining a IT infrastructure consisting of Servers, Network Switches, Firewall, Gateways, ISP and Datacenter security equipment Validating the firmwares and IOS upgrades on Server & firewalls; evaluating network performance & creating improvement strategies Creating firewall access policies, traffic shaping rules and analyzing the traffic patterns Monitoring network traffic and identifying root cause through packet capture analysis; reviewing server performance & uptime and responding quickly to incidents Maintaining maximum system uptime through proactive oversight and scheduled maintenance Creating roadmaps for server / application avalibility with outside organization & fild users; developeing multiple network / security strategies & resolving network bottlenecks Implementing pre-defined security measures and thresholds to avoid breaches; managing the Surveillance System, VoIP and Audio/ Video Conference systems Maintaining datacenter infrastructure documentation with high level infrastructure diagrams Conducting industry research on security trends, goal of potential improvements on processes or tools Identifying and tracking of security improvements identified during incidents or as part of a review Investigating and uncovering issues by analyzing security events and coordinating response activities Coordinating with the digital security teams local as well as remote and consultance Functioning all security products management and delivery teams for all operational security related activities
$ 20 pear Hours
FTP Experts
Active Directory Developers
Data Backup Services
DNS Services
Management Experts
Computer Engineers
System Administrators
Server Administrators
Operations Managers
Office Assistants
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