Web | Mobile | Custom Software Development
JB Solutions led by like-minded people with a ‘Customer Centric’ approach and working in-line towards its Goals & Visions. JB Solutions 10 Years career comes with a blend of hard work, technology adaption, Trust & support that it has provided to its customers.
Technology Expertise:
.Net | C# | MVC
iOS App Development (Swift & Objective C)
Android App Development (Kotlin & Java)
AngularJS | NodeJS | ReactJS | MEAN STACK
PHP Web Development (WordPress, YII2, Laravel, Drupal)
Cross-Platform Development
React Native App Development
QA / Testing
At JB Solutions, irrespective of the project size in terms of length, efforts & budget, we provide the same level of quality and attention to every detail with an aim, how we can help our customers to become successful and create a next big fortune.
Founded: 2008
Work Terms
We use to work 40hrs/week but it can be extended according to the project size. For communication, we use Email, Skype, Phone or Zoom call with daily & weekly status reports.