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  • Angular
  • AngularJS
  • ES6
  • Express.js
  • Ionic
  • jQuery Mobile
  • LoopBack
  • Mean Stack
  • MongoDB
  • Node.js
  • OAuth
  • PhoneGap
  • Sencha Touch
  • Software Solution Architecture
  • Web Crawling


  • Sr. Full Stack (Angular/Ionic/Node) Dev

    $20/hr Starting at $80 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    With over 9 years of experience, I have been fortunate to be part of some really complex projects in web development and hybrid mobile application development using trending frameworks/tools/technologies...



Self motivated full time freelancer having 7 years proven experience in web development and hybrid mobile application development, who believes in best quality work & timely delivery.

Programming Language:
JavaScript, ES6, CoffeeScript, TypeScript and C#.

Front-end framework:
AngularJS (1 & 4+), Require.js, Underscore.js, Lodash.js, DOJO and ExtJS.

Back-end framework:
Loopback, NodeJS, ExpressJS and ASP.Net.

MongoDB, Firebase, MySQL, MSSQL and SQLite.

Full-stack development framework:
MEAN and Meteor.js.

Secure API Development using:
oAuth 2.0 and JWT authentication.

Mobile application development framework:
Phonegap/Cordova, Ionic (1 & 2+), Sencha Touch, jQuery Mobile and

Testing frameworks:
Jasmine, Karma and QUnit.

Push Service:
APNS, FCM, GCM, OneSignal and Pusher.


Responsive design and cross-browser compatibility:
HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS and Bootstrap.

Data visualization:
D3.js, C3.js and HighChart.

Strong experience in UI/UX:
jQuery, jQuery UI, AngularJS Material, Angular Material, Ionic Material and also having expertise in developing custom component with animation & transition.

Web-service integration:
RESTful and SOAP.

Payment processor integrations:
Stripe, PayPal and others.

API integration:
Google maps API, Google app script, Google Analytics, Google tag manager, Facebook Graph API, Twitter, 42matters, Alchemy, MindMeld, TripAdviser, Yelp, Tripit, Travelport, Amadeus,, Pandorabots, Elasticsearch, Cogito, Transloadit and Mark logic.

Development & management tools:
Hockey app, Git client, SVN, TFS, JIRA, Asana, Trello, Github, Bitbucket, Grunt, Bower, Virtual box, Vagrant, OpenSSH, ngrok, Fiddler, Postman, VPN client, Hipe and Sencha Animator.

- Hands on experience in deployment and publishing of app on App store, Play store and Windows store.
- Web applications optimization for high load.

*Having all types of testing devices like iOS (iPhone 5s & 6s plus), Android (Lower & Upper level) and Windows.
*I have Windows and as well as Mac machine.
**Open to work in your timing.
Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is success.

Work Terms

Looking for long term relationship.

Attachments (Click to Preview)