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  • Editing and Proofreading

    $30/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    We provide quality editing and proofreading services for businesses, students, personal works & web sites. We will check and correct your documents for spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, format,...

    Adobe AcrobatApApaBook ReviewsCitations


A family run company providing quality editing and proofreading services since 2011. We are A+ rated by the BBB and members of the ACES and the EFA. Proficient in APA, MLA, AP, CMS, and more

We were founded in 2011. My son is our primary editor with a BA in English from Hampshire College. He has professional publishing and editing experience and freelances with us at Red To Black Editing. My wife is also one of our editors with a BS in Biology from Clark University and an MS in education. My daughter also gets involved with a BA in education from Boston University and her MA from Simmons college. I am the office manager and do backup editing for technical publications. I have a BS in Electrical Engineering and an MS in Biomedical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Founded: 2011

Work Terms

We work seven days a week. All our quotes are fixed price jobs based on word or double spaced page count. This is a competitive business and we are always there to meet your needs. Our prices are based on a sliding scale, the more pages the lower the cost per page. We provide two editors for every job. You will have a primary editor who will do the primary work and a second editor will cross check the first. We also remain with you throughout the entire process. We fully expect you will make change and additions as part of the editing review process and we will take a second (or third) look at those changes for you at no charge. No job is too big or too small for us. We have done everything from small marketing flyers to novels, dissertations and even a full encyclopedia.

We are familiar with MS Word, Adobe PDF, Adobe InDesign, OpenOffice and many other editing platforms. We can work with MAC and PC files.

We are members of the American Copy Editors Society (ACES)

We are highly rated by the Better Business Bureau

We are a PayPal verified e-commerce member in good standing

We are familiar with all major style guides such as AP, APA, MLA, CMS (Chicago), and many others.

We have NEVER missed a deadline.

We are A+ rated by the BBB.

We have an established web presence.

We are not that individual freelancer searching for a full time job. This IS our full time job.

We perform all editing and proofreading using American English grammar, punctuation, and spelling rules. UK English upon request.

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