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  • Article Writing
  • Book Writing
  • Chat Support
  • Content Writing
  • Customer Service
  • Data Management
  • e-Books
  • Email Services
  • Performance Engineering
  • Recipe Writing
  • Writing


  • Customer Service Expert

    $10/hr Starting at $35 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hi, I am Bimal and I have been in customer service field for last 11.5 years. I can deal with customers in both emails and chat. I am also very well known to data editing as I am well versed with office...

    Article WritingBook WritingChat SupportContent WritingCustomer Service


Let me help you...!


I am Bimal and I have been in customer service field for last 11.5 years. I can deal with customers in both emails and chat.

I am also very well known to data editing as I am well versed with office. I can also rewrite the content and edit books or recipes. I have also rewritten many eBooks for other sites as well. You can also select me for article writing with confidence as you will never face any challenge in the performance of my work.

I love to chat, travel and cook. Baking is my preference when it come to enjoying.

Work Terms

I can devote 5-6 hrs on daily basis.
Payment procedure would be done according to the contract or negotiations.
Preferred communication would be English.