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  • Accounting
  • Cobol
  • Computer Programming
  • Construction
  • Dos
  • HTML
  • Perl
  • Programming
  • Research
  • Tax
  • Tax Returns
  • Unix
  • Unix Shell


  • Programming

    $35/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    1] Income tax on the internet. A large system of Perl programs to complete, file and print individual income tax returns. 2] Inter-platform text conversion utilities which allowed IBM legacy files...

    AccountingCobolComputer ProgrammingConstructionDos
  • Web Programming

    $35/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    1] Income tax on the internet. A large system of Perl programs to complete, file and print individual income tax returns. 2] Inter-platform text conversion utilities which allowed IBM legacy files...

    AccountingCobolComputer ProgrammingConstructionDos


Hands-on analyst who identifies problems and develops solutions.

Perl (OOP)
UNIX shell scripting

2001 to present: Perl programmer. Independent contractor. I have completed a variety of projects for webmasters who require original programming, customization, or debugging. Programming was concentrated in Perl on Linux with lots of MySQL and HTML. Made heavy use of HTML templates with dynamic content substitution via Apache SSI and Perl template substitution. Most programs were Mod_perl compliant, object oriented program design with heavy reliance on custom modules to provide continuity and reusability. Use of Javascript for pre-submission form content validation. For the majority of the last 9 years I was in a long term contract with a web site devoted to Federal Income tax. I also functioned as the company accountant.

1999 to 2001: Perl programmer:, Tempe, AZ. An online personal income tax preparation company.
Responsible for all facets of application programming in Linux environment. Object design, Perl module coding, MySQL database design, and HTML template construction. Main application consisted of approximately 2,500 modules and 200,000 lines of Perl running under Apache::mod_perl. Also developed EDI generation/analysis utilities for communication with the IRS. Well versed in method inheritance (single and multiple), property based instance controls, and object pointers.

1997 to 1999: UNIX script developer: ConSyGen, Tempe, AZ. A software source solutions company specializing in Y2K date renovation, data storage migration, and platform migration.
Responsible for developing analysis, research, and data manipulation utilities in Bash, Tcl and Perl.

1994 to 1997: Installation manager: Management Technology America, Scottsdale, AZ. A computer software company who’s principal markets are parts distributors, equipment rental companies, and heavy equipment dealerships.
Responsible for on-site installation, database migration analysis

Work Terms

I work whatever hours are required to get the job done. Of course I prefer to work normal business hours at my location (USA MST).

Payment terms to be arranged as the job requires.

Initial communications will be e-mail only. As a job develops, phone and Skype are also available.