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  • App & Mobile Programming
  • Internet Skills
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Team Management
  • Web Development


  • Full Stack Web Development

    $7/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    BiteWeb is a strong team of 100+ professionals, each with expertise in their skills to deliver Rapid, Reliable and Robust Solutions. in this era of the internet. We design and develop Android, iOS and...

    App & Mobile ProgrammingInternet SkillsResponsive Web DesignTeam ManagementWeb Development


Web Doctor

We have specialist expertise with modern front-end technologies, such as Angular that enable the development of highly optimized, fast loading, and modern progressive web applications. We have expertise in HTML,JavaScript,CSS,PHP, and WordPress. In addition, we have Android cross-platform technologies such as React Native and IONIC developer on the mobile front.

After spending lot of years we realize we should start our own company. In our team we have experience designer, developer, project leader.

As because it's new and our target to grow up future in a good way so our first priority is good understanding and make a good relationship with client.

Work Terms

Basically we are working as a freelancer. We are trying to make a startup company. We have worked on this portion over than 9years.