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  • Format & Layout
  • Business Card Design
  • Design
  • Film Theory
  • Blog Writing
  • Brand Advertising
  • Business Models
  • Catalog Layout
  • Contracts
  • Film
  • Film Analysis
  • Job Description Writing
  • Layout & Desktop Publishing
  • Layout Design
  • Magazine Layout

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  • All Writing

    $25/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    - Instructional/Guidance Training Support - Technical Writing/Editing - College Admittance documentation - Formal/Official Complaints - Resume Writing / Restructuring - Media/Marketing Campaign - Political...

    Admin AssistantAdmin SupportAdvertisingArticle RewritingBlog Writing
  • Editing

    $20/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Editing services for all documentation, websites, blogs, post, and articles: - Restructuring - Revamp - Rewriting - Revising (heavy/light) - Formatting - Proofreading - Quality control

    Admin AssistantAdmin SupportAdvertisingBlogsBrand Advertising
  • Research

    $27/hr Starting at $75 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    IT Budget Contracts Industries Documentation Legal (High level) health benefits Software development Web design Tax (high level)

    Art ResearchBlog WritingContractsData ResearchDesign Research
  • Analysis

    $32/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Information Technology Businesses Processes Software Applications Film Entertainment Song Character Story Special Acquisition Programs Political Affairs Defense / Security Contracts Acquisition

    Blog WritingBusiness EthicsBusiness LaunchBusiness ModelsContract Pricing
  • Design & Layout

    $17/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Website Brochures Business Cards Flyers Placades Posters Blog Social Media Page Content Management SEO BMR

    AdvertisingBlog WritingBrand AdvertisingBudget ProposalsBusiness Card Design


Writing your path FORWARD

Founded on March 2014 and officially launched in November 2014. It operates as a freelancing professional, editorial/journalistic, and creative writing firm.

Ashley Nicole Jones is the Founder, sole proprietor, and Lead writer of Blue Geisha Documentation LLC. She started the company in March 2014 while working as a Technical Writer/Editor. It initially served as a way to actively track the continuous requests for her freelance documentation both professionally and creatively.

She holds B.A. in Political Science and International Relations from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA and is a member of the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc and the Editorial Freelancer Association. Occasionally she blogs for the Zombie Research Society (ZRS).

With Blue Geisha Documentation LLC, you get an award-winning, degreed, and trained professional writer/editor with documentation experience in the academia, non-profit, corporate, military, state, and federal government environments/styles... Bringing 9 years of research, analysis, documentation development, template design, and quality control.

Founded: 2014

Meet the Team

  • Ashley Jones

    Ashley Jones

    Lead Writer / Founder

Work Terms

[I'm pretty much ALWAYS available especially evenings..I'm a Freelancer =)]

I only do remote
(Phone & Email/Google Chat ...and maybe Skype if needed)

Project work will begin shortly after upon receipt of either combined or separate of these fees/charges, and will serve as Initial Payment. Subsequent payments are required upon the completion and acceptance of major project milestones.

Here is a summary of the payment schedule after the RETAINER FEE &/or UPFRONT DEPOSIT is applied

[$43.00 RETAINER FEE (PAID Upon award)]
Payment Schedule:
50% due upon 1st milestone completion
25% due upon 2nd milestone completion
25% due upon project completion

[47% UPFRONT DEPOSIT (PAID Upon award)]
Payment Schedule:
23% due upon 1st & 2nd second milestone completion
30% due upon project completion