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  • Article Writing
  • Blog Writing
  • Concept Development
  • Content Writing
  • Copywriting
  • Creative Writing
  • Design
  • Fashion Design
  • Ghostwriting
  • Ms Word
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Programming
  • Proofreading
  • Science
  • Teaching

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  • Unique and well-researched articles

    $25/hr Starting at $85 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    May it be a one-time contract for your website information, or a long-term job for your blog, you can ensure well-researched and genuine content. The best always moves with the best. I have over two years...

    Article WritingBlog WritingContent WritingCopywritingCreative Writing
  • Learn the core foundation of programming

    $30/hr Starting at $90 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    As a computer science student, I can understand how hard it can be to understand the basics of computer programming. In fact, it's actually the behavior of computer that we actually have to grasp, in...

    Concept DevelopmentObject-Oriented ProgrammingProgrammingScienceTeaching


Co-operation, research, and the will to achieve are the core foundations of my commitments to you.

I am studying at Hamdard University, and I am always worried that I have too little time and so much to experience. Computer systems have always been the center of my life since I powered on the Intel Pentium 3 for the first time, 15 years back. I have been mesmerized by the capabilities of computers, and at every stage of my life, I have sought to churn my wonder into the required skills to fulfill those capabilities. Currently, I have an expert-level understanding of Java, can build GUI applications, can utilize third-party packages to increase efficiency of programs, and am working on a few projects on my own.

I have always been bright in English, my interest in novels and news have yielded amazing results. As a part-time job to fund my projects, I have been working as a ghost writer for about two years now, and have a powerful track record in terms of client satisfaction. As long as I don't make up my mind of joining a boring office, freelancing will be my love.

I have a strange attraction towards exploring the world, I am a travel fanatic. My hobbies include programming on my projects, jogging, writing, and reading stuff.

Work Terms

In terms of daily hours:
*Can work 4 hours daily
*Can write 700-800 well-researched and unique words in an hour
*There is no specific progress rate in programming jobs, it depends on the obstacle at hand

In terms of words:
*I charge $0.02 USD per word
*More the work, lesser the charges
*Can write up to 2500 words daily
*Whether I will consume all of my work time in a day for your work, depends upon our payment agreement, and our work history

Preferred means of communication: