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  • Content Writing
  • Article Writing
  • Article Rewriting
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • SEO
  • Writing
  • Blog Writing
  • Creative Writing
  • Health


  • Prolific Article Writer

    $20/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am a professional freelance writer with a Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology. I have over two years of experience in the tech, travel, news, and lifestyle industries. My writing has been...

    Article RewritingArticle WritingContent WritingCreative WritingSearch Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Optimization

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource


    Article RewritingArticle WritingBlog WritingContent WritingHealth


Prolific Article Writer

I am a professional freelance writer with a Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology from University of Reading. I have over 2 years experience in the food, Tech, travel,lifestyle and news industries. My writing has featured in many print and online platforms.
Ever since I started writing, I've always had a talent for words. I'm able to persuade,excite, educate and entertain, regardless of subject matter.My ability to provide accurate,concise work, meet deadlines and go the extra mile has contributed to my success in writing.
Freelancing has taught me to develop efficient multitasking and organizational skills in order to successfully manage deadlines and handle multiple assignments. My excellent time management skills has always enabled me to focus on my work on an independent basis without any kind of distractions.

Work Terms

(1) I prefer using skype and emails but i'm open to other means of communication
(3) Client satisfaction is PARAMOUNT

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