Providing a been there, done that perspective that's pretty rare to find in a Kickstarter consultant. I am 4 for 4 on my own campaigns. I'd like to make your dream real too.
I have invented 3 products and launched those products through 4 successful Kickstarter campaigns for over $200,000 in sales. I have designed, prototyped, manufactured and fulfilled all the campaigns by myself, so I know what your in for. I am extremely lean with money spent on advertising and marketing. I'll provide you a customized plan of attack for your campaign and advise in all areas I can help with, from sketch to SKU.
Work Terms
Typically we start with a 1-2 hour phone call, then I can provide a customized to-do list and timeline based on your campaign launch. Budget about $250 for those deliverables. Any consulting past that point is as needed and hourly.
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