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  • Accounting
  • Cad
  • Communication Skills
  • Design
  • Software Design
  • Software Development
  • Testing


  • Programming

    $35/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Over twenty-three years of solid professional experience developing software. Developed a wide range of software types from accounting packages to graphics applications to ActiveX controls to CAD tools...

    AccountingCadCommunication SkillsDesignSoftware Design
  • Web Programming

    $35/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Over twenty-three years of solid professional experience developing software. Developed a wide range of software types from accounting packages to graphics applications to ActiveX controls to CAD tools...

    AccountingCadCommunication SkillsDesignSoftware Design
  • Smart Phone Applications

    $35/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Over twenty-three years of solid professional experience developing software. Developed a wide range of software types from accounting packages to graphics applications to ActiveX controls to CAD tools...

    AccountingCadCommunication SkillsDesignSoftware Design
  • Game Development

    $35/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Over twenty-three years of solid professional experience developing software. Developed a wide range of software types from accounting packages to graphics applications to ActiveX controls to CAD tools...

    AccountingCadCommunication SkillsDesignSoftware Design
  • Other - Technology Projects

    $35/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Over twenty-three years of solid professional experience developing software. Developed a wide range of software types from accounting packages to graphics applications to ActiveX controls to CAD tools...

    AccountingCadCommunication SkillsDesignSoftware Design