ruby , node.js , code igniter , laravel
I am a full-stack and Rails developer with 7 years of experience and a degree in computer science. I appreciate clean code & clear communication. I can help you build an MVP, integrate your app with any kind of external API, setup production environment, or perform some general application development. I love cutting edge web frameworks such as Rails, Javascript, Jquery, coffee script, html, haml, heroku, vagrant, scss, less, css4. I love building top class mobile applications as well. My interests are in the latest cutting edge cloud technologies. - MEAN STACK(node.js , mongodb, angular.js,express.js) - Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Ruby Gems - AngularJS, AngualarJS customdirective, AnguarJS UI Bootstrap, Rest Angular, Angular Plugins, AngualarJS Material Design - MeteorJS, NodeJS, ReactJS, - Database programming: SQL/NoSQL database - MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB - HTML/HTML5, HAML, CSS/CSS3, SASS - Responsive Design: Bootstrap, Twitter Bootstrap -TDD/BDD using Rspec and Cucumber