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  • Business Planning

    $8/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    My strength lies in the ability to focus my instincts on a problem domain and chew on it until ideas pertaining to its possible solutions come to surface. Ability to leverage existing resources such as...

  • Business Development

    $8/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    My strength lies in the ability to focus my instincts on a problem domain and chew on it until ideas pertaining to its possible solutions come to surface. Ability to leverage existing resources such as...

  • Marketing Research & Plans

    $8/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    My strength lies in the ability to focus my instincts on a problem domain and chew on it until ideas pertaining to its possible solutions come to surface. Ability to leverage existing resources such as...

  • International Commerce

    $8/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    My strength lies in the ability to focus my instincts on a problem domain and chew on it until ideas pertaining to its possible solutions come to surface. Ability to leverage existing resources such as...

  • Operations Management

    $8/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    My strength lies in the ability to focus my instincts on a problem domain and chew on it until ideas pertaining to its possible solutions come to surface. Ability to leverage existing resources such as...


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