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  • Banking Industry
  • Financial Services
  • AS/400 iSeries
  • Business Models
  • Consultant
  • Java
  • Operating Systems
  • Pega
  • Programming
  • SQL
  • XML


  • IBM AS400/iSeries

    $70/hr Starting at $6K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Our development team has extensive knowledge with 20+ years of experience in IBM AS400 programming from scratch primarily within banking and finance domain, however, the latter could be flexibly extended...

    AS/400 iSeriesBanking IndustryOperating SystemsProgramming
  • Pega Consulting/Application Development

    $70/hr Starting at $6K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Our team, fully comprised of Certified Professionals (CBA, CSA, CSSA) , will help build and orchestrate a digital business model transformation solution for multiple digital channels. Our extensive experience...

    Business ModelsFinancial ServicesPegaSQLXML
  • Finastra FBTI Customise/Implement

    $50/hr Starting at $5K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Our team of Finastra Fusion Banking Trade Innovation is fully comprised of certified experts within both technical and analytical scopes.  We offer both the functional augmentation of an existing implemented...

    Banking IndustryConsultantFinancial ServicesJava


We fully devote ourselves to embracing and adding to the value of our customers.

BTC Alliance is an EU based company, specialising in delivery of platform-based, omnichannel solutions primarily targeting financial services sector. Our expertise enables guaranteed development of specifically-tailored solutions depending on the customer's business needs. Our products are currently used by financial institutions having 10+ millions of clients.

Our aim is to develop an effective solution, by understanding the targets and establishing a strategic partnership - making it possible for the client's business to reach new levels. We provide services based on a wide scope of technologies such as:


Founded: 2000