Always quality software. Detailed work, strong infrastructure.
In 2017, he started his career as a software and website editor. Since 2019, he has received professional software trainings and has been developing software projects as freelance for the last 3 years. He works with the motto of sustainable software and prioritises quality. University education: Eskisehir Anadolu University Web Design and Coding, Konya Selcuk University Management Information Systems (MIS), Çankırı Karatekin University Statistics continues his graduate education. He works professionally in the field of Full-Stack, as well as advancing himself in game development.
Work Terms
We do not have working hours, when we start developing a project, we do not stop until we finish that project.and the layers of this project are thought and made in a completely professional manner to the finest detail.our preferred form of communication is to specify the wishes of the project at one time and then adding to the site created accordingly is charged.
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