Pine Script | TradingView | Trading Bots | Algorithmic Trading
500+ Indicators on Tradingview! 95%+ Job Success Rate
💡Strategy Creation:
✅ Create custom logic from scratch or merge different indicators?
✅ Add Risk Management features? Stoploss, Take Profit, Trailing Stop?
✅ Build a DCA trading system proven to work in volatile markets?
💡Trade Automation :
💵 Automate Trading Strategy or Buy/Sell Signals ?
💵 Carry out simulated backtesting to analyze if trading on those conditions would have been profitable?
💵 Use virtual or paper money to trade on those conditions without risking real money in real markets to see how would they perform live?
With my coding expertise I can help you give life to your trading idea, boost profits and trading performance.
Expect personalized touches and quick turnouts!
Happy to chat! :)
Work Terms
500+ Indicators on Tradingview! 95%+ Job Success Rate
💡Strategy Creation:
✅ Create custom logic from scratch or merge different indicators?
✅ Add Risk Management features? Stoploss, Take Profit, Trailing Stop?
✅ Build a DCA trading system proven to work in volatile markets?
💡Trade Automation :
💵 Automate Trading Strategy or Buy/Sell Signals ?
💵 Carry out simulated backtesting to analyze if trading on those conditions would have been profitable?
💵 Use virtual or paper money to trade on those conditions without risking real money in real markets to see how would they perform live?
With my coding expertise I can help you give life to your trading idea, boost profits and trading performance.
Expect personalized touches and quick turnouts!
Happy to chat! :)