People, Planet, Profit, in that order. I want to be a part of something big, but I know that many small things have to happen to accomplish change.
Hey, my name is Calvin and I am originally from San Diego, California. In 2016, I travelled all the way across the US to play baseball at Brown University. Living on the East and West Coasts has given me the opportunity to connect will types of people and build amazing relationships through academics and sports. At Brown, I studied Business and Sociology, but what I learned beyond my classes was much more valuable. I learned the value of application, meaning the power one possesses to accomplish things through dedication. I have made a habit of applying myself fully in order to accomplish goals.
My mission is to travel and build my business, and my goal is to support myself by providing organizations with quality services, remotely. I am willing to work long hard hours doing the things that need to be done for your business to thrive, and I am the flexible, intelligent candidate that you have been looking for.
Work Terms
Will work any, but value longer term projects.