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  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Big Data
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Management
  • E-learning Development
  • Java
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Order Processing
  • Photography
  • Python
  • Software Development


  • Data Science freelancer for cheap

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I will be able to provide Data Science/ machine learning support in a variety of services - all of which I have experience in - including but not limited to neural networks, natural language processing,...

    Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Neural NetworksBig DataData AnalysisData Management


Third year engineering science student at the University of Toronto with specialization in machine intelligence with a strong background in software development and machine learning.

My most recent work included being an Agile team member on the Solera Signal project, a next generation data analytics for automotive insurance claims. Contributed in software development, testing and documentation. Key Contributions:
• Added middleware in Java that actively queried Solr and built JSON packages leveraged in the front end
• Used Typescript React UI in front end development. Built load, integration and unit tests for middleware
• Developed a Python script for fake data generation for frontend testing
This does not touch on my schoolwork and personal projects, where I have worked with concepts such as neural networks, natural language processing, regressions, reinforcement learning, photo identification, markov chains and support vector machines.

Work Terms

As the start of my work was delayed by coronavirus, I am very flexible for work, looking to gain experience and try new things as I look to occupy my time until work.