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  • Web Development

    $60/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    The most challenging project I have accomplished would have to be for my mother, who was a political candidate at the time. It took a lot to communicate with her on a business level and determine her...

    .NETAccessAdobe DreamweaverASPCGI
  • Web Design

    $60/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    The most challenging project I have accomplished would have to be for my mother, who was a political candidate at the time. It took a lot to communicate with her on a business level and determine her...

    .NETAccessAdobe DreamweaverASPCGI
  • Flash & Web Animation

    $60/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    The most challenging project I have accomplished would have to be for my mother, who was a political candidate at the time. It took a lot to communicate with her on a business level and determine her...

    .NETAccessAdobe DreamweaverASPCGI
  • Email Design

    $60/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    The most challenging project I have accomplished would have to be for my mother, who was a political candidate at the time. It took a lot to communicate with her on a business level and determine her...

    .NETAccessAdobe DreamweaverASPCGI
  • Search Engine Marketing

    $60/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    The most challenging project I have accomplished would have to be for my mother, who was a political candidate at the time. It took a lot to communicate with her on a business level and determine her...

    .NETAccessAdobe DreamweaverASPCGI