Extremely quick learner with high ambitions for everything I take part in - either I do it 100% or I don't do it. Always looking to develop myself, both professionally and personally.
I am an extremely open minded, out of the box thinking individual, that rarely view the world - or anything in it - in quite the same way as everybody else. In combination with having Asperger’s (a form of autism), my flow of ideas is wide and high.
I love a good argument; to learn and get better, not only at what I do, but also to grow as a person. And what better way to challenge me and aid in my self-reflection, than having married a psychologist.
Work Terms
Tend to work many hours in the day, with coding being my special interest as a person on the spectrum, more precisely Aspergers. Therefore have a lot of creativity and a want/need to create a lot. This gives my peace of mind :-)