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  • Editing
  • Proofreading
  • Beta Reading
  • Book Writing
  • Character Design
  • Content Writing
  • Creative
  • English Language
  • Fiction Writing
  • History
  • Literature
  • Research
  • Reviews
  • Writing


  • Editor/Proofreader

    $25/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I put the shine on creative and technical documents for my clients. Developing great content is hard work, so I take my role of polishing text seriously. I hold a Master of Arts in Medieval Welsh Literature...

    Beta ReadingCreativeEditingProofreading
  • Researcher for Fiction and Non-fiction

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I put sweat into researching the fine details my clients need to write accurate, vivid stories. Keep your readers engaged by ensuring your content is as good as your characters and plot. I hold a Master...

    Book WritingCharacter DesignContent WritingEditingEnglish Language


Friendly and Experienced Editor

I am the quintessential word nerd, a scholar of Medieval Welsh Literature put to use by the Oil & Gas Industry to re-vamp and develop technical manuals, user guides, software training materials and a host of corporate communiqués. I have exceptional research and analytical skills that were honed during my education. I hold a B.A. in English and History and a M.A. in Medieval Welsh Literature.

My work history includes more than ten years of proofreading, editing and technical writing assignments for such esteemed corporations as Fluor and Chevron as well as projects for small businesses, students and writers. I have excellent interpersonal communication skills and work well on a deadline.

In the creative realm, I specialize in folklore and mythology, but my love of literature extends to most genres. I enjoy mentoring other storytellers and seeing fellow creatives achieve their goals.

Let's work together!

Work Terms

In the world of freelance, terms are best tailored to the project. Feel free to contact me via Guru or by email at