Online Freelancer
Let my FOUR years of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) experience be at your service.
I've been through various Line of Businesses in the contact center industry. Started as a process analyst for a well-known US airline company transitioning to a customer service representative for one of the top players in telecommunications brand in the U.S and eventually made my way to the leadership ladder as a Call Center Supervisor and a Trainer. I am currently employed as an Email Customer Support Representative/Research & Data Analyst for a popular mobile application.
Basic Troubleshooting, payment processing, answering customer service-related inquiries via phone or email, moderating content materials and even managing people are common for me to handle.
I have acquired a strong written and verbal communication skills along with leadership skills given my professional experience. My job can be very tedious and demanding which helps me practice the art of working under pressure. Also, being exposed to different walks of life, I can firmly say that I am a team player who can manage to socially interact in every situation.
One of my best strengths is my ability to work with less supervision. I tend to maximize resources I have at hand and passionate in delivering results in an effective and efficient way.
I set goals and develop action plans to achieve in S.M.A.R.T. way (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused, and Time- bound).