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  • Research
  • Accounts
  • Business Planning
  • Campaign
  • Copywriting
  • Creative
  • Digital Marketing
  • Event Planning
  • Google Analytics
  • Marketing
  • Marketing Plan
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Strategic Planning


  • Advertising/Marketing Consultant

    $8/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    As a recent graduate from the University of South Alabama, I have fresh experience in the communications field with a specialization in advertising account services and marketing. My palette of experience...

    AccountsBusiness PlanningCampaignCopywritingCreative


Innovative and Fresh Advertising/Marketing Connoisseur

As a recent graduate from the University of South Alabama, I have fresh experience in the communications field with a specialization in advertising account services and marketing. My palette of experience ranges from working as an in-house Marketing Coordinator for a major insurance company, to being a connoisseur of advertising campaigns with a diverse clientele on the agency side. I am consistently researching the latest digital and social media trends in order to provide noticeable results that will get you talked about.

My passion for strategic planning, digital campaigns and creative innovations will bring value to any project. If you are searching for a young, ground-breaking marketing specialist who can achieve your goals, feel free to contact me.

Work Terms

Preferred communication via email: