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  • CAE Chief Consultant - FEA Solutions

    $40/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Chief Technical Consultant providing Engineering solutions for a number of clients both in the UK and India. The clients are predominantly Automotive based but there are projects from transportation and...

    Automobile EngineeringAutomotive EngineeringCae AnalysisCompositesConsultant


CAE Solutions - Specialist in mix material (both metallic and composite) simulation. Aspire to deriving an optimised lightweight body structure solution.

Chi is currently a Chief Consultant for RIJYOS Technovations consultancy offering CAE and Engineering lightweight solutions for Automotive, Transportation and Locomotive industries.

Chi joined a major UK OEM in 1999 as a CAE Analyst for BCAE Crash & Safety Department before moving to the Research Department 2007 where he has lead the Crash and Thermal Analysis for the CFRP project. He has developed CAE tools and processes for crash simulation with carbon fibre composite structures; he recently correlated the full vehicle side pole test at Idiada, Spain. In addition, he has created a Design Rule to define a heat shield solution for the vehicle CFRP under-structure and CAE thermal material data cards for CFRP to accurately predict the heat transfer through each carbon fibre layers.
He has lead and implemented first into Research Department three Dassault Systemes modules for the carbon fibre project and is a Key Advocate and User for the implementation of iPLM to the Research Department.
His previous positions held in the same OEM were Senior Lead CAE Engineer for ultra light-weight seat project and Senior CAE Crash Analyst delivering products from concept through to JOB1 in full vehicle programmes.

Prior joining JLR in 1996-1998 he joined Krupp Camford and was later seconded to Porsche Engineering Group GmbH, Germany where he was the Lead CAE Design Analyst, supporting the design team working on a variety of chassis/subframe assemblies on the BMW Mini R50 and Porsche Cayenne 9PA.

Chi holds a Masters Degrees in Automotive Product Engineering from Cranfield University, where he was awarded a SME Bursary and sponsored by Ford Motor Company.
His Bachelors Degree was in Mechanical Engineering from Queen Mary College, University of London where he was awarded the Drapers’ Company Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement.

Chi holds a full membership as a Chartered Engineer from the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, since 2007.

Work Terms

Hours of operation: from Monday to Friday, 24 hours.

Payment terms: hour rate or milestone through Guru

Preferred communication style: by Guru, Phone or video conferencing.

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