Skilled IT graduate with 6+ years of experience in Android Development, React Native. My goal is to provide you awesome and high quality work rather then ordinary. I have good analytical, design and problem solving abilities with great attention to details and overall product quality
I use latest technologies which make the development process easier and faster. I also provide service after the project completion. I use firebase, PHP or node.js backend for database. I also design and develop responsive websites using the most current technologies to provide the best user experience.
I write the code which is scalable, well-organized and does exactly what it should. My major specialization are Android App Development, React Native. I have full understanding of Design Patterns and experience with software development lifecycle from design and implementation to product deployment.
I also uploaded my own apps to playstore i will share you link if you want to see that.
Also i take advantage of such libraries, framework and language as:
- Java, PHP, node.js, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, MySQL, Jquery
- Social Media SDKs like Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter
- Networking (Retrofit, Volley)
- 2D Chart library (MPAndroidChart)
- Database (Firebase, SQLite, Room Database, PHP database, node.js database)
- Almost all Android SDK components
- Google Maps, Google Ads, Facebook Ads
- C#, .Net MVC, Web API, JavaScript, Angular 9.