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  • .NET
  • Application Development
  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • Microsoft


  • Web Application Development

    $60/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Custom web application development and existing web application updates written using the Microsoft .Net technologies.

    .NETApplication DevelopmentASP.NET MVCC#JavaScript


Providing professional software development services

John Meade started programming at 7 years old on a TI99. He has pursued this early passion through the years developing his natural aptitude for programming into a thriving career in the IT industry.

Pete Christinzio came to programming in his mid twenties first developing Access databases as a side project in a non - technical position. His strong logical thinking skills as well as being a person who loves learning new things made software development a natural fit. After completing a technical diploma program at the Chubb Institute, he developed his skills working as a software development consultant at high profile companies like Citibank, Cigna, and the Campbell Soup Company among others.

In 2001 John and Pete met while working together as software developers Citibank in New Castle, Delaware (John actually hired Pete as a consultant) and they have been working together, as best friends, collaborating and creating software solutions large and small, ever since.

For the last 10 years they have been working in the healthcare industry creating enterprise scale software solutions for a major healthcare provider in the Northeastern United States. Now they've decided to take their skills to the open market to seek out new challenges and more interesting projects than those that are available working as an in house development team.