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  • Beta Reading
  • Book Editing
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  • Editing


  • Beta Reader

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hello, my name is Cleyton Santana, I am an experienced, critical and passionate beta reader, dedicated to transforming good manuscripts into exceptional works. My service goes beyond just reading — I...

    Beta ReadingBook EditingBook WritingeBook WritingEditing


I turn words into unforgettable experiences, offering honest and strategic feedback to take your work to the next level.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by stories and music. Reading a book or listening to a song was never just entertainment for me—I’ve always looked beyond the words and melodies, searching for meaning, emotion, and impact. This analytical and passionate perspective led me to become a professional beta reader, helping writers and musicians refine their creations so they can truly shine.

My journey began with critical readings for writer friends, where I discovered my natural talent for identifying narrative flaws, inconsistencies, and opportunities for improvement. Over time, I honed my skills by studying storytelling, narrative structure, and music theory. Today, I provide detailed analyses, blending technique with sensitivity, always offering an impartial and constructive perspective.

What drives me is my passion for well-told stories and music that touches the soul. I value authenticity, a commitment to excellence, and honest feedback. I believe every work has unique potential, and my job is to help uncover it.

When I’m not immersed in manuscripts or compositions, I enjoy exploring new books, discovering inspiring music, and studying the nuances of writing and sound. Every project I analyze is an opportunity to help a writer or composer take their art to the next level.

If you're looking for a trained and dedicated eye to elevate your work, I’m here to help!

Work Terms

I'm Brazilian, but I currently live in the United States. I am available from Monday to Saturday full time, I will deliver your project efficiently and ethically.