I am an Erlang/Elixir Software Engineer. I also write Java/Kotlin, Python, Bash and basic PHP. Frameworks & software I have experience with include OTP (Erlang/Elixir), Phoenix (Elixir), Spring Boot (Java) and Laravel (PHP). MongooseIM (XMPP chat built in Erlang), AMQP1.0 Erlang Implementation. For Devops I have experience with AWS, Microsoft Azure and frameworks like docker and kubernetes. Databases used include MySQL, MongoDB, Mnesia, Cassandra and Realm. Learning really is continuous.
During my tenure of service at Safaricom Alpha, I was involved in several projects. As an Android Engineer I wrote frontend user interface code mainly for a yet to be released app that allows card to mpesa payments. As an Erlang Engineer, I wrote backend code for Zwuup!’s (formerly Bonga) payments gateway. This task involved bridging communication between Safaricom’s HTTP-based Mpesa APIs and Zwuup!’s XMPP chat interface.
My Android role made me a more confident Engineer but my biggest learnings at my current job have come during my Erlang/OTP phase. This is due to its steep learning curve, small community and lack of widespread “quick fix” online resources. The Erlang Open Telecoms Platform (OTP) has taught me a lot about software concurrency, distribution, fault tolerance and other awesome principles underlying its design. Principles which I believe would make me an awesome member of your team. Taking up the challenge of Erlang further gave me confidence in my learning abilities.
I believe I am fit to serve as your freelance Software Engineer as my Erlang skills allow me to build large scale distributed software while adhering to high levels of code quality and modularisation due to its functional properties. Also, I like to keep the end user in mind as I write software for varied clients over time. It grows my perspective and skill as an engineer. Lastly, I am a team player if you need me to be. And not just because I know how to use git. :-)