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  • .NET
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Fireworks
  • Adobe Flex
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Android
  • Application Design
  • ASP
  • Basic
  • C
  • C#
  • C++
  • Fireworks

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  • Programming

    $30/hr Starting at $5K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Our company offers multiple services, classified in the following categories: 1. Software Development 2. Web design, programming and maintenance 3. Graphic Design 4. iOS development Even though iPhone...

    .NETAdobe After EffectsAdobe FireworksAdobe FlexAdobe Illustrator
  • Web Programming

    $30/hr Starting at $5K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Our company offers multiple services, classified in the following categories: 1. Software Development 2. Web design, programming and maintenance 3. Graphic Design 4. iOS development Even though iPhone...

    .NETAdobe After EffectsAdobe FireworksAdobe FlexAdobe Illustrator
  • Smart Phone Applications

    $30/hr Starting at $5K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Our company offers multiple services, classified in the following categories: 1. Software Development 2. Web design, programming and maintenance 3. Graphic Design 4. iOS development Even though iPhone...

    .NETAdobe After EffectsAdobe FireworksAdobe FlexAdobe Illustrator
  • Mobile Applications

    $30/hr Starting at $5K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Our company offers multiple services, classified in the following categories: 1. Software Development 2. Web design, programming and maintenance 3. Graphic Design 4. iOS development Even though iPhone...

    .NETAdobe After EffectsAdobe FireworksAdobe FlexAdobe Illustrator
  • Game Development

    $30/hr Starting at $5K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Our company offers multiple services, classified in the following categories: 1. Software Development 2. Web design, programming and maintenance 3. Graphic Design 4. iOS development Even though iPhone...

    .NETAdobe After EffectsAdobe FireworksAdobe FlexAdobe Illustrator


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