Words tell stories. Stories grow companies.
If a company has the wrong words telling the wrong story, they will waste money and lose customers. Storywright thinks it’s a tragedy to throw good money at the wrong words, which is why we care so much about getting it right.
I founded Storywright because I believe in the power of words to move people.
After years of working as a pastor, professor, musician, and writer, I am excited to help hardworking small business owners, start-ups, non-profit leaders, and creatives find the right story, tell it clearly, and share it in a way that grows their brand.
Clarity was a lesson I learned the hard way. Between writing an academic thesis in Graduate School, writing a novel and short stories, communicating as a pastor and professor, and writing poetry and music, I learned the high value of the right words. It doesn’t matter if you’re funny, it doesn’t matter if your sentimental or emotional, if you’re not clear!
I want to keep you doing what you do best, and help the hard work you do matter by sharing it.
Work Terms
M-F. I prefer to work on a project basis, not hourly basis.