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  • 3D Mapping
  • ArcGIS
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  • Design
  • GIS
  • GPS
  • Image Processing
  • Interpreting
  • MapInfo
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  • Mobile Mapping
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  • GIS, Google Earth, Image Processing

    $10/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have several years of working experience in GIS and Image processing, Geography, Survey,Climate change etc . I am a highly productive, motivated individual and self starter who holds the first rank...

    .NET3D3D MappingArcGISCad


GIS Analytics

Complete Geosolutions is a vibrant RS and GIS Professional who have got immense skills and huge experience in in the fields of GIS, Remote Sensing Techniques,Urban planning and allied fields of Surveying & Cartography.

Complete Geosolutions and his team is highly skilled and excellent in the management and use of Premier GIS Softwares of ESRI (ArcGIS 10.4.2, ArcPro, ArcGIS online- both Server and cloud based platforms and Arc Objects ), MapInfo , Global mapper and other allied mapping systems like GPS and lidar mapping ; He have hands on Experience in opensource GIS programme like Google maps API,Q-GIS, FOSS GIS_OGC, POSTGRESQL, etc . Additionally, He have deep skills in GIS data integration and processing, compiling, analyzing, and interpreting GIS and RS Databases. He also have working experience in Image processing softwares such as ERDAS & ENVI.

He is highly skilled in performing all kind of GIS analysis as well as Analytics such as Spatial, Statistical, Surface, Hydrological, Spectral etc using both GIS and Image processing softwares. He also have knowledge of city government structure and process, principles of urban planning, city planning ,land-use mapping and Zoning . He have proven knowledge in almost all fields of geography and geomorphology and also have free hand design and graphic skills to prepare, plan and design topographic and utility maps.
Complete Geosolutions and his team have allways approached his work with a strong sense of urgency in a highly quality productive manner.