Executing Your Thoughts Into Reality
Please Check: https://www.upwork.com/agencies/~010c5093095c1520b0 to review the profile we have on the other Freelancing Marketplace website upwork.com
Ranked top 100 out of all the wordpress providers on elance***************
Level 10th on elance within just 12 months**********
500+ projects in Last 3 years ******
More then 98% Satisfied Customers ******
100% Recommendations ******
Strong concept in developing various complex Applications******
Experience in customize Wordpress/Drupal Plugin/Module Developed*****
Experience in working with fortune 500 clients********
Offering discounted price to all elance client in the first project*****
Dedicated highly skilled project manager for your project********
Daily/Weekly update on the work progress of your project**********
Use various project management tools like Basecamp, Bit Bucket etc*********
Use SVN like Github, Springloops etc********
Use QTP, WinRunner functional testing tools***********
24 X 7 X 365 days available on Skype***********
Available for EST, CST Business Hours via US Phone/Skype ****************
Immediately handle any urgent issue (if any)*******
Founded: 2008
Work Terms
Work Process:
Once you will award us the project we will design the Homepage and send it to you for review.Based on that we will make some changes (if requested).
We will make the changes in the design until you will fully satisfy.Once the design will approve we will move forward with the development part and once the design will converted into HTML, CSS and Wordpress, we will share an URL of our internal server, so you could review our work regularly.
You will get regular update from us.
Availability: We are available on various IM, Skype approx 18 hrs a day.
All the messages and emails will be replied within 12hrs max.
Payment Terms:
If the project is less then 2000,
We will divided the total project into 2 phases,
a. 50% in advance need to deposit in Safepay, can be release after the 1st phase will finish.
b. 50% after the the completion of the project, and before going to the live server.
If the project is more then 2000,
We will divided the total project into 3 phases,
a. 40% in advance need to deposit in Safepay, can be release after the 1st phase will finish.
b. 30% need to deposit in Safepay, after the 1st phase will complete and before the 2nd phase will start.
c. When the 3rd phase will complete and before the project go live to the clients server.
If the client don't want to use Safepay then we will agree the terms mutually.
Attachments (Click to Preview)