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    Kate has been tasked with the processing of documents, preparing financials, budgets, and other finance-related tasks. The job required a high level of organization and efficiency, and Kate always met the highest standards, working quickly and getting the best results. 5 stars!

    Tatiana P.

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    Kate is as knowledgeable about business and finance as anyone, and once she is given a task she is completely dedicated to it. She has been responsible for reporting in my company for 7 years now and also helped me raise $350+ funds to start a new business! Happy to continue collaboration with her i

    n the future.

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    Irina K.

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    I can confidently recommend Kate as a finance manager. She is a problem solver and has great analytical skills. She helped me to figure out my liquidity problems and prepare a business plan for the fundraising process. She has been my trusted advisor over the past few years.

    Levan P.

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    Ekaterine is a great professional! With a big passion to support and make everything happen in a correct and smooth way. Highly recommended professional for many different financial needs in your company!

    Salome G.

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    Kate has been working as outsource CFO of my company since 5 years from now. She is super precise and always to the point. I trust her a lot in her domain. She is very good communicator of important data crucial for me to best do my job of CEO. Her advice simplifies my decision making process a lot.

    And she is very business minded person.

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    Giorgi B.