A word that can describe my programming journey is “kaizen.” It’s a Japanese word that describes the pursuit of continuous self improvement. I’m always astounded by what I don’t know, when it comes to this field. In this pursuit I have picked up some invaluable skills that I think will leverage me to the forefront of your projects. I strive to communicate as much as possible to ensure that you always know what’s going on. Finally, I go the extra mile to ensure that you have a proper experience with regular updates and consistent brainstorming of ideas.
So far here’s what I’ve learnt:
✅ HTML | CSS/SASS/LESS | Bootstrap, Tailwinds CSS,
✅ JavaScript | ESnext, TypeScript
✅ Front-End JS | Angular, React, Next, Gatsby, Astro, D3
✅ Back-End JS | Nest, Express, Node.js, Loopback
✅ Version Control | Github, Gitlab, BitBucket
✅ Testing | Mocha/Chai, Jest, React Testing Library, Jasmine, Karma, Selenium, Supertest
✅ Databases | SQL, MongoDB
✅ C/C++ | The Languages
✅ Ruby | The Language
✅ Java | The Language
✅ Python | Django, Django Rest Framework, Matplotlib, Pandas, Selenium, Numpy
✅ Editors | Vim, Visual Code, JetBrains
✅ Terminal | Bash, Cmd, Powershell
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